The Wageningen Warrior association was created by a few people,
Daan Kea, Christian de Kleijn, Lieven Slenders, Matthijs Machielsen en Susan Arts,
on 12 December 2012. It started out with only enough people to form one mixed team.
Since then, we have grown to an association with 1 men's team and 2 women's teams.
Fun and development are important pillars within our teams. All teams practice twice a week and participate in the national competition. After practice, we usually get together for a drink in the sports pub and we support each other when there is a home game. We also organise many social acitivities, such as game nights, bonfire nights, theme parties, a skiing trip and an annual Warrior Weekend. Our association relies on a many active members who volunteer to organise such activities and take part in other committees that make sure everything runs smoothly.
We get sponsored by DressMe, the WUR and SWU Thymos. DressMe helps us to create cool clothing with our own texts and designs, while the WUR sponsors every student led sports association from the Bongerd. SWU Thymos is the overarching sports association. They represent the interests of all student athletes in Wageningen, if you want to get to know more about them click here.
Because the Wageningen Warriors are linked to the Bongerd it is necessary for all our members to get annual sports rights from them. With these rights you can join the gym and a multitude of lessons as well as swim at set times, look here to see what you can do and to sign up for those lessons.
If you (or anyone you know) is experiencing or has experienced unwanted or unacceptable behaviour you can contact a confidential contact person from SWU Thymos:
Elsa Geerts and Tristan Maas; from Sports Centre de Bongerd (SCB): Ingi Alofs, Ellen van Kalsbeek, Tijmen van Oostenbrugge, and Casper Helling; and from the WUR: Anke van Oostveen and Klaartje Thierry.
Tuesday: 19.00 - 20.30 All teams
Thursday: 17.30 - 19.00 Ladies 1
19.00 - 20.30 Ladies 2 & Men's 1
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